HMP NOT-4-ME half a day experience (Morning or Afternoon) will be tailored to suit your requirements. This is different to the Full Day experience which focuses upon one class over the full day. For example If you have a two form year group we can work with one class for half of the time and the other class in the second half. Alternatively you may wish to have several classes come to the Prison Cell to have a look and receive information on Prison, Crime and the Law.
If you’re experiencing a specific problem with a year group we can address this specifically. For example Bullying/Cyber Bullying is a crime and we can explain this! Play Fighting might be a problem and we can explain how this is assault. Whatever your requirement the experience will be exciting, unique and filled with informative information to aid their learning journey.
HMP NOT-4-ME Crime and Consequences Awareness Days take the Year 5/6 pupils out of their daily routine and give them a unique opportunity to learn about social responsibilities in an innovative and fun packed manner. The pupils become prisoners for the day, wearing prisoners uniforms and conform to prison rules. Each pupil works from their HMP Not-4-Me Booklets, (Click to view) which has a range of activities to be undertaken and valuable information to take away. This exciting day compromises of;
School jumpers are swapped for Prison jumpers.

.(Click on any photograph to enlarge & then back arrow to return to page)
Pupils are scanned, photographed and fingerprinted.

Pupils critically discuss the behaviour link from School Detention to Prison Detention.

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The DVD shows visual & auditory affects of HMP. Pupils write their thoughts in their booklet.
Pupils experience an authentic Prison Cell. HMP NOT-4-ME. IS-IT-4-YOU?


(6) Alcohol and Drugs.
Pupils undertake alcohol tests using the Drunk Buster goggles. Pupils love this!

.Pupils look and analyse the educational Drugs Box. A fantastic resource. ….. …… . ……. …….
Pupils critically think and make 6 choices. We then discuss consequences.

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A crime scene is discovered in your classroom after lunch!

…………….. …………. .………………………. …… … Evidence or Not? . ……………….
Fun test of the children’s knowledge of what they have learnt throughout the day.

We finish the day with our pledge, signpost to key agencies and ask any final questions.

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We are available to visit Youth clubs, Scouts, Girl Guides, Youth Rugby Clubs and any other organisations.
We will visit with our Prison Cell and show the group what life would be like behind bars. In addition we will deliver a presentation on crime and consequences with emphasis on making good choices. Generally young people who attend these organisations/clubs are not at risk of ending up in HMP. Our approach is to make them aware how one small social error can have devastating prospects on their immediate and future lives. For example an error of judgement by stealing could render them ineligible to work in certain professions. Taking a banned or illegal substance can put an end to a promising career. We discuss a real life example of a promising 14 year old footballer/academic success who was peer pressured into cannabis ended up passing away from a heroin overdose at only 26 years of age!
The session can be between 30minutes – 1 hour 30 minutes in duration.
(5) BIRTHDAY PARTY – ‘CSI Prison Break’
CSI PRISON BREAK is a truly unique, exciting and unforgettable birthday experience for your child and their friends. A convicted prisoner escapes from our jail cell and commits a crime in your house or external venue. A crime scene is discovered and we await the eager Crime Scene Investigators (Birthday guests). But who committed the crime? What about the Party?

Detective Chief Superintendant Crowther states “Look its like this… There is an escaped prisoner, a murderer, crime scene and there is an investigation that needs to be conducted. Cake and drinks have to wait I’m afraid! I don’t know about you but Im gonna catch, lock them up and throw away the key.. But I need your help because there is too much to do alone. Get your forensic suits on, grab your CSI Box and lets do this…”
The Major Incident Room shows intense anticipation building as the birthday guests get kitted out in their white forensic CSI suit. Masks and gloves are put on as we don’t want to contaminate the evidence. DCS Crowther has given specific instructions how to find the killer. The Investigation recquires the group to;
- Learn how to take fingerprints with professional Ink.
- Learn how to dust to find fingerprints using professional CSI Magnetic Powder
- Learn about Blood Splatter Analysis using Hollywood Blood
- Investigate a real life Prison Cell
- Investigate the Crime Scene, Evidence and Secret UV Messages
- Investigate & Seize vital evidence to find which escaped prisoner is the Killer!
This experience is great because it works equally as well for mixed or same sex kids parties as every child likes searching for clues and being a detective. The Birthday guests work on their Investigation sheet (click to open) to gather evidence and work out the killer. This becomes their CSI certificate from the experience which is a great memento of a fantastic Birthday Party!! There is even a space to send them a picture of themselves in the CSI Forensic Suit to attach after. The killer is one of the adult guests chosen before the party starts. Once the children have worked out the killer, the birthday child arrests and handcuffs them and puts them back in the Prison Cell, where they belong to big cheers from the party!

The Birthday Party Includes;
(1) CSI Prison Invitations to download (Press to open Invitations – 3 per A4 Sheet) (2) A real life Prison Cell and B Wing brought to your door in a Mercedes Van. (3) CSI Crime Scene In your House or your Hired Venue. (4) CSI Investigation and Evidence Certificate to complete (Press to open Certificate) (5) CSI White Forensic Suit (Every Child to keep) (6) CSI VIP Party Boxes (Every Child to keep) (7) Professional entertainers with over 10 years experience of working with children
CSI VIP Party Boxes
Party bags are hard work and expensive. We take care of this included in our price. Our CSI VIP Party Boxes are far more extensive than any other we have seen for a similar function. The kids will leave your child’s birthday experience with an abundance of CSI goodies including;
(1) Forensic Suit (2) Forensic Gloves (3) Forensic Mask (4) UV Pen Light (Secret Ink and Ultra Violet Light reveals message) (5) Fingerprint Tub (6) Fingerprint Dust (Inside Tub) (7) Test Tube (8) Hollywood Blood (Inside Test Tube) (9) Clear Evidence Bag x 2 (5x7cm) (10) Cotton Buds to retrieve DNA (11) Tweezers (12) Pippette (13) Notepad (14) CSI Paper Box to personalise
The Cost of the experience is £225 for the Birthday Child and 10 other children. Every additional Child is £7. This includes use of the Prison Cell Van, Crime Scene set up, CSI Activities conducted by us, Birthday certificates and Party Boxes filled with the items mentioned above. You will Incur no travelling costs within a 20 mile round trip. Each additional mile after this is charged at 55p per mile.
Good quality children’s entertainers are not cheap and cost between £150 – £300 for two hours without party bags. We feel are experience is not only unique but good value for money considering the experience and gifts received.
We will arrive 30 minutes before the children arrive to set up the Crime Scene and park the Prison Cell Van appropriately. The activities lasts 1 hour 30 minutes (This can sometimes run over due to excitement at no extra cost). Packing up takes approximately 15-20 minutes.
Please Book early to avoid disappointment. We can only undertake one booking per weekday evening and one morning and one afternoon session per weekend day. When booking please state child’s name, age, how many birthday guests (children), contact number and the location you would like us to attend. You can book by calling 07747168024 or email enquiries@hmpnot4me.org

See Price & Booking for details of how much every experience costs.
‘Believe and Achieve’