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Beliefs and Values

I believe that all children require an in-depth knowledge of social boundaries, the law and consequences of their actions to enable them to make coherent choices that will shape the rest of their lives. Importantly Children need this key information about crime and consequences prior to the age of criminal responsibility; So they have the chance to understand what an error of judgement could have on their immediate and future lives..

“The Criminal Age of Responsibility Is only 10 Years of Age”

.If a child can be arrested at 10 years of age, they deserve advice and information about social responsibilities at 10 years of age. Important messages can be reinforced throughout their learning journey into secondary education but early intervention is the key to leading a successful life free from criminal restraints.

All of HMP NOT-4-ME education fits significantly into preparing children for life in modern Britain. Our educational experience is unique, engaging and pertinent to fundamental British values. We endorse and promote Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development of children because ultimately this helps them become better citizens. True understanding comes not only from being told what to do or not to do but also the reasons why it is important’. 



I am the lead deliverer of the HMP NOT-4-ME experience. I am child protection trained after completing a 3 Day Designated Safeguarding Lead/Person Training. In addition I have received WRAP training (Workshop to Raise Awareness about PREVENT) and safeguarding: Getting it right for schools in modern Britain – The Prevent Duty, SMSC, British Values.

I have a wealth of experience and knowledge of children’s safety, welfare & social problems; crime prevention & the criminal justice system. I served as a Police Constable for over 10 years with 5 years as a successful Police School liaison officer. In that time I worked in over 75 different Schools delivering crime prevention advice liaising with over 50 different agencies. I was a highly valued member of staff with one head of year stating I was the most positive and impactive Police Officer in over 30 years of teaching. 

My professional, knowledge, and positive outlook ensures pupils are fully engaged in any presentation or activity I carry out. I work with pride, passion and commitment to try to make sure that pupils learn as much as they possibly can from this unique experience.



My hobbies include all forms of physical activity but mainly football, having played semi professionally for 13 years.  I have represented the England Police Football Team and Great Britain Police Rugby League Team.  

Aside from sport I have been a regular Police Officer supporting Artist and Adviser on Coronation Street. I took part and appeared in the 50th anniversary live episode which was an amazing experience. 

My wife Leanne, boy called Charlie and chocolate Labrador called Pippa make up our family. 

Michael John Amos (BSc Hons)

(3) Mick Amos | LinkedIn

DBS Enhanced Certificate #001456616564 Tel: 0870 90 90 811



(Click picture to watch poor Tyrone getting arrested)



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